Thursday, September 3, 2020
Compare and contrast Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Thoroughly analyze - Assignment Example An ongoing report shows that Latin American nations are lingering behind a significant number of the world’s instruction framework, as most understudies can't get an advanced education. Truth be told, just one of every three understudies figure out how to get an auxiliary school instruction, with numerous nations in creating countries, for example, Ecuador attempting to keep up financing for optional instructors and schools. Another serious issue is the elevated level of understudies who rehash an evaluation or who drop out of school before finishing 6th grade. Rustic regions face the test of numerous understudies working during collecting season, further removing them from school. Notwithstanding, it was focused on that the genuine issue for the area isn't access to instruction, rather its low quality. While the United States faces numerous insufficiencies in instruction, remembering high drop-out rates for low pay territories and moderately helpless instructor quality, the base grades show that the United States outscores most Hispanic nations. However, the likenesses aren’t as striking as one would envision, especially while thinking about the structure of the frameworks. For example, both offer a comparative University and Community College structure. Most of Latin American nations likewise give free and commanded essential and auxiliary instruction for all
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Research Paper on G.K. Chesterton and The Man Who Was Thursday Essay
While doing explore on G.K. Chesterton and his abstract artful culmination, I happened upon this article on Gilbert Magazine wherein his response to the inquiry †â€Å"What is the contrast among progress and growth?††was posted. To this inquiry, he replied: The lethal illustration of progress, which means abandoning things us, has absolutely clouded the genuine thought of development, which means leaving things within us.  â â â â â â â â â â First of all, I didn’t even realize he has a magazine. Besides, since I have never known about him, I wonder why on earth has it taken such a long time for me to find such an astonishing man? His announcement above is only one of the radiant succinct citations of a man who never earned a doctorate and, truth be told, never at any point went to a college. I have perused some of them and I am stunned at how he can say something regarding everything and says it better than every other person.  â â â â â â â â â â It is with absolute enjoyment that I am taking this excursion to the disclosure and revealing of a virtuoso †a writer, a debater, a craftsman, a cheerful man †for in finding him, I find enthusiasm, intelligence, and myself. G.K. Chesterton: A Poet, Storyteller, and Ironist  â â â â â â â â â â G.K. Chesterton can't be summarized in one sentence. Nor in one passage. With all the fine memoirs Iâ have experienced that have been composed of him, I don’t know whether the Gilbert Keith Chesterton has truly been caught between the fronts of those books. In any case, how might one improve a man of such complex gifts? He was truly adept at communicating, however more significantly, he had something excellent to communicate †the motivation behind why he was perhaps the best scholar and essayists of the twentieth century and a victor of the Roman Catholic religion. K. Chesterton is perfectly healthy today †such that the vast majority of his counterparts are not †absolutely on the grounds that he articulated plainly and powerfully the central standards in the light of which issues, regardless of whether of today or of yesterday, can be stood up to shrewdly, and he has committed this remarkable insight and inventive capacity to the change of English government and society. Artistic sorts would commend him for his verse and books and investigator stories and plays; social pundits would support him for his farsighted cautions about genetic counseling and skepticism and communism; bosses of household vote based system might want his tenet of distributism; rationalists would be tested by his bits of knowledge and jokes; the fundamentalist Christian would safeguard him for protecting Christianity, and the Catholic Christian would appreciate the satisfaction Chesterton got from his Catholicism. This is a multifaceted man.  â â â â â â â â â â Gilbert was a day kid at St. Paul’s. The experts evaluated him as an under-achiever, yet he earned some acknowledgment as an essayist and debater. Despite the fact that he never headed off to college, he demonstrated that virtuoso can't be secured to the guidelines of the institute, nor need we be docile to the biases of the foundation in assessing virtuoso. Chesterton, actually, decided to be a columnist, in light of the fact that in that job he could think most significantly, intensely, pertinently, and viably.  â â â â â â â â â â He was fundamentally worried about the shameful acts of Great Britain to its conditions. He advanced from paper to open discussion. He utilized rationale, giggling, conundrum, and his own triumphant character to show that colonialism was wrecking English nationalism.  â â â â â â â â â â In 1900 he distributed his first artistic works, two volumes of verse. In 1900 he met Hilaire Belloc, and in 1901 he wedded Frances Blogg. These occasions were two of the extraordinary impacts throughout his life. From 1904 to 1936 Chesterton distributed almost twelve books, the most significant being The Napoleon of Notting Hill (1904) and The Man Who Was Thursday (1908). In 1911 Chesterton made the ‘‘Father Brown’’ criminologist stories. During his artistic profession he distributed 90 books and various articles. He spilled out an abundance of carefree articles, recorded portrayals, and otherworldly and polemical works, along with such notable sonnets as ‘‘The Ballad of the White Horse,’’ ‘‘Lepanto,’’ and the drinking tunes from The Flying Inn. Among his major basic works are investigations of Robert Browning (1903) and Charles Dickens (1906). Monstrously gifted, Chesterton additionally showed various Belloc’s light works.  â â â â â â â â â â Chesterton talked about himself as essentially a writer. He added to and editted Eye Witness and New Witness. He altered G. K.’s Weekly, which supported distributism, the social way of thinking created by Belloc. Chesterton’s superseding worry with political and social treachery is reflected in Heretics (1905) and Orthodoxy (1909), maybe his most significant work.  â â â â â â â â â â I could state that Chesterton was not a thinker in the feeling of one who, similar to Plato or Aristotle, Aquinas or Bonaventure, Descartes or Kant, Hegel or Kierkegaard, made unique commitments to the historical backdrop of human reflection on the truth of the genuine. We can, in any case, say that he made two striking commitments which are still tremendously advantageous today: (1) he was unrivaled in his capacity to caricaturize the philosophical shortcomings of his day; and (2) in spite of the fact that his way of thinking was not one of a kind his way of communicating it was one of a kind; one can't understand him, even today, without being over and over out of nowhere pulled up short. Taking into account his perpetual worry with thoughts †and with thoughts that check, with ultimates †he must be known as a thinker, not just, in any case, as an admirer of shrewdness, yet as one who had a specific sort of instinctive intelligence.  â â â â â â â â â â Throughout his life, G.K. Chesterton was one of the most brilliant and lovedâ characters of abstract England. To his scholarly endowments he included joy, mind, and warm mankind that charmed him even to his enemies. This English creator, columnist, and craftsman was conceived in London on May 29, 1874. He passed on at his home in Beaconsfield on June 14, 1936, yet it doesn’t matter. To the individuals who know him and are energetic perusers of his works, his knowledge lives on. To those like me who basically discovered him, he lives once more. In our souls, his knowledge is immortal. The Man Who Was Thursday: A Masterpiece of a Non-Degree Holder Genius  â â â â â â â â â â Versatility of theme, address, class, gadget, whatever more there is in the paradise and earth of psyche and soul brought to lettersâ€such is the trademark and order of Chesterton. He can be clear and for right, fresh and to the point, or clever, with a specific malignance aforethought. He can take the method of incongruity or just grunt when his understanding is depleted. He can take off with radiant compass or plunge like a winged creature of prey. His graphic hand is as credible as any, as witness this from the earliest starting point of The Man Who Was Thursday: The suburb of Saffron Park lay on the nightfall side of London, as red and worn out as a haze of dusk. It was worked of a splendid block all through; its horizon †¦ fabulous †¦ its ground plan †¦ wild†¦. All the more particularly this alluring falsity fell upon it about dusk when the luxurious rooftops were dull against the luminosity and the entire crazy town appeared as independent as a floating cloud. This . . . was all the more emphatically valid for the numerous evenings of nearby celebration, when the little gardens were regularly lit up, and the large Chinese lights shined in the shrunken trees like some savage and immense natural product.  â â â â â â â â â â The Man Who Was Thursday was the phantasmagoric 1908 novel of whimsical revolutionaries, scholar investigators and an enigma composing criminal brains who could possibly be God. Captioned â€Å"A Nightmare,†this magnum opus by G.K. Chesterton †better known for his Father Brown criminologist arrangement †blends philosophical brainteasing with shroud and-knife tricks like a crosscountry swell pursue and aâ â bombarding connivance instigated over jam and crumpets.  â â â â â â â â â â This otherworldly spine chiller spirals out frantically from a wonderful reason: a London counterintelligence boss has shaped a corps of â€Å"policemen who are additionally philosophers.†A start tells the book’s saint Gabriel Syme, who is with the British police: The standard criminologist goes to pot-houses to capture cheats; we go to creative casual get-togethers to distinguish doubters. The standard analyst finds from a record or a journal that a wrongdoing has been submitted. We find from a book of poems that a wrongdoing will be committed†¦ We state that the most risky criminal currently is the completely untamed present day logician.  â â â â â â â â â â Soon subsequent to joining these vigilantes, he was recruited by an obscure, concealed man to penetrate the prominent rebel development, making him discover a revolutionary intrigue to obliterate human advancement and ethical quality itself. He begins with a loudmouthed â€Å"poet of disorder†, Gregory, and tails him into a gathering of the revolutionaries. Gregory is compelled to keep Gabriel’s character a mystery for the good of his own, for he himself had driven the police officer into their mystery hideaway.  â â â â â â â â â â The covert Gabriel figures out how to get chose as one of the seven top men in the association, assumed name Thursday, a lot to Gregory’s quiet mortification. Gabriel meets with different individuals from the gathering, all of who seem, by all accounts, to be dim and appallingly evil�
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on A Masterpiece From a Masterpiece
â€Å"When he used a blade, regardless of how blooded and hard-edged the edge his hand was excessively solid, the stroke he managed (I have learned) would destroy it. He could procure no advantage†(Heaney 181). The epic sonnet Beowulf interpreted via Seamus Heaney recounts to the tale of a saint named Beowulf, who frees the Danes of numerous beasts. This Anglo-Saxon story has gotten one of the most significant Old English pieces. All through the epic, the Anglo-Saxon narrator utilizes numerous components to manufacture a specific profundity to the characters. One of the numerous topics of the story is Biblical against Paganistic. Since forever, this book has been interpreted ordinarily, in any case, the topics of the book have generally remained the equivalent. Through time the reworking and finishing up by different sources makes the characters depict progressively Christian attributes. Seamus Heaney utilizes both Biblical and Paganistic sees all through the story to depict certain things. Grendel is Biblically and Paganistically portrayed in this extract: So times were charming for the individuals there until at long last one, a beast out of heck, started to work his shrewdness on the planet. Grendel was the name of this troubling evil presence frequenting the walks, pillaging round the heath what's more, the ruined fens; he had abided for a period in wretchedness among the expelled beasts, Cain’s tribe whom the Creator had prohibited What's more, censured as outsiders. For the murdering of Abel The Eternal Lord had demanded a price:†¦(Heaney 9) The Biblical reference in the epic serves to give the peruser a thought of the degree of Grendel’s insidious proclaimed to him as a result of the past. The Paganistic sees are utilized to help the peruser by attempting to give a coherent clarification for Grendel’s dangerous conduct. This kind of composing is shown well inside the entire book. In this the epic sonnet there are numerous characters presented. There are three traditions from which of the characters originate from: the Danes, the Geats, and the Swedes. Al... Free Essays on A Masterpiece From a Masterpiece Free Essays on A Masterpiece From a Masterpiece â€Å"When he used a sword, regardless of how blooded and hard-edged the cutting edge his hand was excessively solid, the stroke he managed (I have learned) would destroy it. He could procure no advantage†(Heaney 181). The epic sonnet Beowulf deciphered via Seamus Heaney recounts to the account of a legend named Beowulf, who frees the Danes of numerous beasts. This Anglo-Saxon story has gotten one of the most significant Old English pieces. All through the epic, the Anglo-Saxon narrator utilizes numerous components to assemble a specific profundity to the characters. One of the numerous topics of the story is Biblical against Paganistic. Since the beginning, this book has been deciphered ordinarily, in any case, the topics of the book have generally remained the equivalent. Through time the revising and finishing up by different sources makes the characters depict progressively Christian attributes. Seamus Heaney utilizes both Biblical and Paganistic sees all through the story to portray certain things. Grendel is Biblically and Paganistically depicted in this selection: So times were lovely for the individuals there until at last one, a savage out of heck, started to work his fiendishness on the planet. Grendel was the name of this bleak evil presence frequenting the walks, ravaging round the heath what's more, the forsaken fens; he had abided for a period in hopelessness among the ousted beasts, Cain’s group whom the Creator had banned What's more, denounced as outsiders. For the murdering of Abel The Eternal Lord had claimed a price:†¦(Heaney 9) The Biblical reference in the epic serves to give the peruser a thought of the degree of Grendel’s underhanded pronounced to him on account of the past. The Paganistic sees are utilized to help the peruser by attempting to give a coherent clarification for Grendel’s dangerous conduct. This sort of composing is displayed well inside the entire book. In this the epic sonnet there are numerous characters presented. There are three lines from which of the characters originate from: the Danes, the Geats, and the Swedes. Al...
The Green Mile :: essays research papers
The Green Mile was about a homicide of two young ladies. When the father is told by the mother that the 2 young ladies are absent, he gets an entire crowwd together to search for the young ladies. They discover the young ladies in the arms of a gigantic dark man (I needed to include the about the shade of his skin since this piece of the story takes place in the 30's and we as a whole expertise solid prejudice was in those days). We later find that the man's name us John Coffey. (Much the same as the drink yet not spelled the equivalent.) They bring John to prison and everybody is dazzled by how huge he is. He has enormous muscles and he towers over everone. The gatekeeper in charge of the green mile goes into the cell that John Coffey is in what's more, expels the sleeves from John's hands. The gatekeeper sees that John is delicate and kind, and that he has something very extraordinary. So for the primary couple days The gatekeeper watched John cautiously, he raised no ruckus and John was likewise calm. In the initial scarcely any weeks, they got another detainee, his name was Wild Bill.Wild Bill was in-certainty exceptionally wild, he even attempted to assault the watchmen while he was coming in. At long last we as a whole discover that Wild Bill executed (killed) the two young ladies that John Coffey had been indicted for executing. John be that as it may, at present was condemned to death. At 11:30 pm the following day John Coffey strolled down the green mile. John was set in the hot seat (ol' sparky) and they set the cover over his head John reprimanded the gatekeeper to take the veil since he feared the dim, and he didnt need to pass on in obscurity. So the gatekeeper took off the cover, at that point set the wet wipe on his head, they pulled the hood down and put that over top of the wet wipe. The gatekeeper hollered "Roll on 2" and they pulled the switch. John Coffey was dead. The gatekeepers were so dismal they cried, some of them quit in such a case that that episode. They realized he was blameless however, they couldent take care of business. I imagine that the books were tragic, and very heart beating.
Friday, August 21, 2020
21st Century Children Using or Abused By ICT Essay
21st Century Children Using or Abused By ICT - Essay Example Social Relativism also is against the enthusiasm of the youngster and both these hypotheses would damage the UN show on the Rights of the Child. Opportunity to spam is against the morals of the PCs and the Marxist custom perceives the contention and the oddity that ICT presents. Youngsters today abuse the PC as an adornment, a weapon and as an objective. The fundamental human rights to security and protection must be kept up and for this, the youngsters must be given the vital direction. They have to comprehend the rights just as the obligations associated with ICT. With the perfect measure of opportunity and the perfect measure of limitation, ICT ought to be a gift as opposed to a revile. Data and Communication Technology (ICT) is changing the world; it has become imbued throughout everyday life and it carries numerous difficulties with it. Aside from the good and moral effects, these innovative changes influence the general public also. Youngsters are helpless and because of absence of appropriate direction capitulate to the interruptions that this innovation offers. ICT can and ought to be utilized for e-Learning, diversion and correspondence however today the maltreatment far exceeds the utilization of this innovation. As innovation is incorporated throughout everyday life, the duty also increments. A basic evaluation of the social effect of data framework would assist with understanding the progressions that could make the PC easy to use for the youngsters just as shield them from hurtful impacts. To enable the kids to determine the correct advantages, right off the bat the framework itself must be secured. Youngsters begin utilizing PCs at 4 years old or 5 and consequently the physical terminal structure should be rebuilt. The arrangements ought to be with the end goal that the keys are close enough for them to reach and simultaneously doesn't represent an issue as the children grow up. A specific degree of optimality concerning norms must be accomplished. As an additional safety effort, which
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Dilek Kurban, MIA 04, IF 04, co-authors working paper on Turkish Civil Society COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Dilek Kurban, MIA 04, IF 04, co-authors working paper on Turkish Civil Society COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog You often hear of our Seeples doing amazing things in the world and pursuing additional research. This week a 2004 graduate co-authored a paper about how Turkeys civil society can help the country confrontdeep political and social problems. Dilek Kurban, MIA 04, IF 04, worked on thepaper Trends in Turkish Civil Society with the Center for American Progress, the Istanbul Policy Center, and the Istituto Affari Internazionali. (Kurbans currently a fellow at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and member of the European Network of Independent Experts in the nondiscrimination field.) Heres the working papers introduction: Turkey today is riven by internal polarization and is increasingly estranged from the West. The country faces serious social, economic, and political challengesâ€"particularly a deep division between supporters and opponents of the current government and its more religious, nationalist, and populist agenda. The governing party has undermined checks and balances and consolidated power in a disturbing way, and has aggressively pursued its political agenda with little attempt to seek consensus or include stakeholders from across Turkey’s diverse society. In this environment, with formal politics relegated to relative insignificance by the majoritarianism of the current government, civil society becomes increasingly important. Civil society offers one of the few remaining checksâ€"however weakâ€"on government overreach. Civil society activists can help address pressing social problems and provide reservoirs of knowledge that can be tapped when political conditions improve. Participation in civil society groups can bridge Turkey’s deep ethnic, religious, and social divisions, and such activity has been shown to help reduce societal tensions and increase ethnic tolerance. Finally, civil society groups provide connective tissue to Europe and the West at a time when such connections have been frayed. For all of these reasons, Turkish civil society deserves support from those who believe in a participatory, democratic future for the country. This report describes the importance of Turkish civil society and provides historical, political, economic, and legal context for its operation. It addresses the ongoing purge of some civic actors and examines the polarization that continues to divide civil society groups (CSOs) despite their shared predicament. Looking at the major challenges facing Turkey as a whole, the report offers examples of how CSOs can contribute to solutions across the board. Finally, it offers recommendations for how best to support Turkish civil society. Read the entire paper at [Photo via Pixabay |CC0 Public Domain]
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Fast Applications What to do when a college gives you the VIP treatment
Fast Applications: What to do when a college gives you the VIP treatment When free agent Carmelo Anthony was being heavily recruited by the Los Angeles Lakers, the seven-time NBA all star entered the Staples Center to the ultimate red carpet treatment. A short film about Anthony’s life narrated by Tobey Maguire played on the Jumbotron, featuring computer-generated images of the high-scoring forward donning the Lakers’ purple and gold as Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson made a pleading sales pitch.While receiving a so-called â€Å"fast app†from a college or university might be slightly short of NBA free agent courting, seeing your name pre-populated into a college application with promises of special treatment can still be highly alluring. Typically these applications offer VIP status which translates to no essays, no application fee, and an expedited admission decision.Why do colleges offer fast apps?Admissions offices are under intense pressure to generate an increased number of applications to their schools each and every year and sending fast apps to every student in a certain SAT/GPA range aids the cause. In the last decade, some colleges have managed to more than double their applicant pool by offering this targeted, quick-and-easy VIP option.Why are they so controversial?Many in the industry feel that fast apps cheapen the process and are a blatant attempt to drum up applicants in order to continue feeding the rankings beast. Few college admissions officials even bother to refute this characterizationâ€â€that’s pretty much just what they are.What are the disadvantages?While some may view fast apps as unsavory, they are not part of any diabolical scheme. Fast apps are every bit as legit as a normal application. Danger only arises when students mistake this marketing ploy for genuine flattery and let the instant gratification that the fast app affords end up driving their entire college application process.VIP status in the application process in no way suggests that you will receive a large hel ping of merit aid. In fact, they don’t even guarantee admission. Even if you choose to submit a fast app, still apply to every other school on your college list as though nothing was different. Having multiple acceptance letters will always put you in the best position to weigh your financial options come spring.You may never be wined and dined by the Lakers, but you only get to be a college free agent onceâ€â€don’t let the fast app become a diversion.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
New Guidelines And Infrastructure Improvements In New...
New Guidelines and Infrastructure Improvements in New Orleans With the tremendous loss of life and destruction of property that resulted from Hurricane Katrina, the American Society of Civil Engineers and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began redesigning and implementing new hurricane prevention system guidelines. Through extensive studies, it was evident that the structures for the levees were constructed on weak and compressible soil. â€Å"Although the geology of the area was relatively well known and borings taken were reasonably adequate for characterizing the variety of conditions in the area, the spacing could have missed local anomalies in soil type and strength†(USACE I-119). As a result, geotechnical engineers suggested a†¦show more content†¦The reasoning for this replacement pertains to the overall performance during Hurricane Katrina. Based on calculations, the T-walls were more resilient to overtopping and instability compared to the I-walls and L-walls. Furthermore, T-walls are not as susceptible to cata strophic failure when impacted by debris or potential freight vessels, and the steel sheet piling could prevent seepage and potential accumulation of water pressure underneath the structure. In other words, the catastrophe that occurred at the London Avenue Canal, where water pressure deflected the levee, would have a lower probability of occurring from future tropical storms. In addition to changes in soil composition and levee design, changes to policies regarding levee armoring were implemented. Previously, levees were guarded by stone as armoring material. However, this presented a problem of lack of testing and lack of guidance on hydraulic issues. One such problem is the thickness of the stone with respect to the depth of wave run-up. According to USACE, â€Å"in order for stone to withstand the magnitude of velocities experienced during Hurricane Katrina computed by IPET (the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force), the thickness calculated had to be considerably larger than the depth of water incurred, whichShow MoreRelatedThe Management and Control of Quality 8e34169 Words  | 137 Pagesquality. Answer: F AACSB: Analytic Skills The employee who conducts a final product inspection is the principle judge of quality under total quality. Answer: F AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills Process management is an element of the total quality infra structure. Answer: T AACSB: Analytic Skills Effective business planning considers the customer as the only relevant stakeholder to the company. Answer: F AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Page 2Read MoreAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words  | 158 PagesCarabali, J. M. and Hendricks, D. 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Published by John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about AMERICANS VIEWS - 858 Words
A stereotype is the creation of an unfair opinion or view; an individual will take the behavior of one person and state that all people belonging to that particular group behave in the same manner. Stereotyping encourages people to react and behave in a manner that is both judgmental and prejudiced. The perception of Arabs and the Islamic religion has created a system in which prejudices and stereotypes worked their way so thoroughly into literature, education, history, language, and social mores that they seem to govern the conflict as much as they are created by it, while newspapers and television news play a major role in the way we perceive Arabs and the Islamic religion. Movies, books, and sitcoms also play a major role in shaping†¦show more content†¦Arabs are seen as terrorists and murderers due to how the media presents them. The media is not the only key in creating stereotypes; you’ll find examples in many different types of American literature, also. The negative stereotypes about Arabs spill over into the textbooks used in American schools and are taught in the education system. The education programs imprint young children with numerous negative images of Arabs. Another form of literature, novels, also perpetuates stereotypes by romanticizing Arabs as dressing in flowing robes, striving against desert hardships, and being surrounded by submissive females. Others novels have portrayed Arabs as evil and corrupt; some portray them as terrorists and murderers. These distortions of the Arab people, in literature have created a general mistrust and dislike for Arabs among Americans. Another form of broadcasting of stereotypes comes from the news media. The news programs allow television journalism to play a major role in setting the political agenda. The news media aired broadcasts involving the United States government and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, who reported a 250% increase in hate crimes against Arabs from the previous year. In the face of September 11, a wave of racially motivated attacks against people from the Middle East is taking place throughout the United States of America. During the last two years, the Justice Department has targeted almost exclusively people from the MiddleShow MoreRelatedThe View Of African Americans2824 Words  | 12 PagesThe view of African Americans â€Å"Blacks†and women have always been wrong. People from the start of the movement to move west where the great nation seen today was found by Christopher Columbus, this nation wasn’t always at its best after the movement and whites were settling down. 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To understand how different, one must first compare and contrast some of the very important differences between them, such as how the Europeans considered the Indians to be extremely primitive and basic, while, considering themselves civilized. The Europeans considered that they were model societies, and they thought thatRead MoreThe General Public s View Of African American Athletes Essay1184 Words  | 5 PagesFor my future study I would like to research how these articles effects the general public’s view of African American athletes. I would do this by surveying groups of classrooms, students around campus, and showing them athletes. I would show them both African American athlete s and White Athletes. I would ask them how they feel about these athletes, why they feel this way about them, and what have they heard about them in the media. After collecting this data, and gathering my conclusion from itRead MoreHow Tenskwatawa Has A Negative View Toward The American Culture860 Words  | 4 Pagesreminding on the consequences awaiting them if they will not retrieve their ways of life. He, therefore, tells them, unless they change their ways they will be punished. Tenskwatawa has a negative view towards the American culture. This is distinctly seen in the manner he is talking about the American and French commodities that they used to batter trade long time ago. He says that they used to exchange their fur for the blankets and wools, their guns and iron for the steal, axes and needle for beads
Monday, May 11, 2020
Why You Shouldnt Mix Bleach With Ammonia
The chemical reactions involved in mixing bleach and ammonia produce extremely dangerous toxic vapors. Thus, its important to understand some first aid advice in case youre accidentally exposed to a bleach and ammonia mixture. Noxious Fumes and Poisonous Reactions The primary toxic chemical formed by this reaction is chloramine vapor, which has the potential to form hydrazine. Chloramines are a group of related compounds well-known to be respiratory irritants. In addition to respiratory irritation, hydrazine can also cause edema, headache, nausea, and seizures. Mixing bleach and ammonia also produces chlorine gas, which has been used as a chemical weapon. Two common ways to accidentally mix these chemicals include: Mixing cleaning products (generally a bad idea)Using chlorine bleach to disinfect water that contains organic matter (i.e., pond water) Chemicals Produced Note that each of these chemicals but water and salt is toxic: NH3 ammoniaHCl hydrochloric acidNaOCl sodium hypochlorite (bleach)Cl chlorineCl2 chlorine gasNH2Cl chloramineN2H4 hydrazineNaCl sodium chloride or saltH2O water Likely Chemical Reactions Bleach decomposes to form hydrochloric acid, which reacts with ammonia to form toxic chloramine fumes. First, hydrochloric acid forms. NaOCl → NaOH HOCl HOCl → HCl O Next, the ammonia and chlorine gas react to form chloramine, which is released as a vapor. NaOCl 2HCl → Cl2 NaCl H2O 2NH3 Cl2 → 2NH2Cl If ammonia is present in excess (which it may or may not be, depending on your mixture), toxic and potentially explosive liquid hydrazine may form. While impure hydrazine tends not to explode, it does have the potential to boil and spray hot, chemically toxic liquid. 2NH3 NaOCl → N2H4 NaCl H2O First Aid When Exposed If you become exposed to fumes from mixing bleach and ammonia, immediately remove yourself from the area to fresh air and seek emergency medical attention. While the vapors may attack your eyes and mucous membranes, the biggest threat derives from inhaling the gases. Get away from the site where the chemicals were mixed. You cant call for help if you are overwhelmed by the fumes.Call 911 for emergency help. If you feel that 911 is unwarranted, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 for advice on handling the effects of exposure and chemical cleanup.If you find someone unconscious who you believe is suffering from inhalation of bleach/ammonia compound, try to remove the person to fresh air, preferably outdoors. Call 911 for emergency assistance. Do not hang up until instructed to do so.Seek proper cleanup and disposal instructions from Poison Control. Such a mistake is most likely to be made in a bathroom or kitchen, so thoroughly ventilate the area before returning to dispose of the compound and start cleanup.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rising Cost Of College Tuition - 855 Words
Since the inception of the new millennium children, teens, and young adults have been adapting to an abundance of new technology, education, and forms of government. There is no more time to be a child in today’s era it’s all about molding you into an adult as fast as possible. Millennial young adults face more obstacles than any other generation since the modern era. America is changing at a fast rate and is putting pressure on the coming young adults to become adults. Young adults now are facing many challenges like poverty, homelessness, and drugs. But millennial young adults are also very unique, they find ways to make money through new technology platforms, and are the most educated generation of all time. Young adults are experience a higher level of poverty than any other age group. Young adults have been suffering greatly due to the rising cost of education and living. The cost of college tuition makes it even harder for them to achieve financial assistance. The amount of student loans debt in America is roughly around one point eight trillion dollars. Factors like the minimum wage also make it harder for young adults to be able to sustain themselves and go to school, because if they cannot pay for school then they are not going to attend school. Employment earnings are also discouraging students from attending college. In the seventies people were able to work a job and make enough money to pay for your tuition. Young adults in the new millennium now face theShow MoreRelatedRising Cost Of College Tuition2509 Words  | 11 PagesPower, Privilege Rising Cost of College Tuition in the U.S The increasing cost of higher education in the United States has been a continuing topic for debate in recent decades. American society emphasizes the importance of education after high school, yet the cost of higher education and advanced degrees continually rises at a greater rate than inflation in the 1970’s. According to the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, cost factors prevent 48% of college-qualified high schoolRead MoreThe Rising Cost Of College Tuition976 Words  | 4 Pagesyears, the soaring cost of college tuition has angered many students and parents, leaving many wondering where they will come up with the funds to pay. While college is still a pretty sound investment for most career paths, the cost of an education has outpaced general inflation by almost double, leaving many families simply unable to shoulder the fiscal burden without incurring large amounts of debt. How did we get to where we are today? A big part of it has to do with how c olleges themselves haveRead MoreCollege Tuition And The Rising Cost Of Education Essay2116 Words  | 9 PagesCollege has been sold to the American people as the key to a better future. Complete the four-year degree program and watch oneself rise from the poverty of lower class to the white picket fence middle class dream. This may have been the case in the 1970’s, but college students today are facing over one trillion dollars in combined student loan debt (Denhart 3). In fact, the price of college has increased higher than any other good or service since 1978(Ivory Tower). With the cost of tuition skyrocketingRead MoreWhat are the Problems of Rising Cost in College Tuition?1323 Words  | 6 PagesWhat are the Problems of Rising Cost in College Tuition? College fee is the main factor that depends on which institution of higher learning that a student is likely to join unless awarded a scholarship. It directly depends on one’s financial capability. The poor afford the cheap and less desirable intuitions that they can be able to afford while the rich can get access to high class type of education. Policies exist that govern the ability of institutions increasing their fees and at the sameRead MoreThe Rising Cost Of College Tuition And Student Debt1221 Words  | 5 PagesThe rising cost of college tuition and student debt is a necessary evil. Many students will gladly undertake the burden of having debt in order to attain what they seek the most, a college degree. A college degree is a prestigious accomplishment; a testament to a student’s iron will. It stands as a symbolic achievement, carrying the hopes and dreams of the families who didn’t have the opportunity to continue their education. Even if the United S tates manages to implement free college tuition andRead More Fighting Rising College Tuition Costs Essay2245 Words  | 9 Pagesuneven financial aid, or economy downfall: there are reasons all across the board as to why the cost of college tuition is getting out of hand. Envision a senior girl whose heart had been set on her dream college for years. 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A sample set of students attending Ferrum College willRead MoreRising College Tuition in America661 Words  | 3 PagesRising College Tuition in America â€Å"College Prices Soar Again!†â€Å"Budget Cuts Cause Even Higher Tuition!†â€Å"Higher Education Now Even Less Affordable†These are all statements that have been seen all over the media: newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. (3 SV: SV) Rising college tuition in America has been a problem for years. Many students drop out after a single year due to the pricey costs of tuition. The rapid rise can be attributed to many aspects of the economy, not just a single sourceRead MoreCauses Of Student Debt902 Words  | 4 Pagesof factors including rising tuition, decreases in government funding, the shift to student loans, and increases in the overall costs of college. Unsurprisingly, the cost of college tuition has skyrocketed in recent years, contributing to rising student debt. Rising tuition costs are making this debt problem extremely worse: â€Å"The average list price for tuition and fees has risen 114 percent, to $9,410 in inflation-adjusted dollars, over the past 20 years†(Farish, 1). Tuition is usually a studentsRead MoreShould College Be A College Education?1614 Words  | 7 Pagesaccess to higher education. College is an incredibly integral step into adult-hood, and while there have been those that have seen large amounts of success without a college education, statistically speaking, you’ll be hard pressed to find a position in the field of work you prefer. Ironically, in today’s economy, you’ll be hard to pressed to find a job in your desired profession even with a college education. Over the years, college has seen unending rising tuition costs, largely in part to the economy
Nervous Conditions Essay Free Essays
Nervous Conditions The choice to resist or comply in situations greatly affects the success and personal relationships of Tambu and Nyasha throughout the Nervous Conditions. Tambu arrives at her uncle’s school initially embracing her education and passion for learning, while there she begins to notice the relationships that existed between the settlers and native, males and females in society. Nyasha understood how awful these relationships were as a young girl. We will write a custom essay sample on Nervous Conditions Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now She suffers from severe depression and an eating disorder while trying to cope with and understand these relationships. There are many different decisions made with a variety of strategies that either helps them advance or causes them to fall victim to the controls of colonial society. An educated woman was very uncommon in Zimbabwe during the 1980’s. Tambu decided to pursue her education against her mothers will. You notice the generation gap when her mother says ‘’Can you cook books and feed them to your husband? Stay at home with you mother. Learn to cook, clean and grow vegetables’’(Ma Shingayi, 15). She decided not to follow the traditional path of women and began selling corn at the market with her teacher to pay for her schooling. Tambu decided to resist fait at a very young age and continued not listening to her family throughout the novel. She felt weighed down by the burdens of womanhood and would not tolerate settling into that lifestyle. Nyasha’s resentment for her parents results in her lashing out and developing an eating disorder. When her mother takes the D. H Lawrence book form her without asking Nyasha begins an argument with her at dinner and storms off without eating. This is the first sign of her nervous condition and foreshadows the escalating problem of her eating disorder. The decision to become bulimic is an attempt to control her life. She feels that her parents are preventing her from becoming the person she wants to be. ‘’ They’ve done it to me’’ (Nyasha, 200) she says to Tambu. She feels that she can’t become the confident successful young women she knows is inside her until her parents stop treating her this way. Her parents chose to take away her books, force her to eat and beat her for punishment. This created very strong feelings of hostility towards toward them. These feelings of animosity only get worse throughout the novel as her father gets more controlling to in order to fix her problems. Nyasha’s hatred for her mother goes beyond the issue of them controlling her. This extra hatred for her mother comes from her decision to be her husbands ‘’underdog’’ (Nyasha, 119). She doesn’t believe in the idea of surrendering her dreams and lifestyle to the control of a man. She does not respect her mother for doing this and it only adds to the escalating family conflict. After the Christmas dance Nyasha decided to resist the rules set by her father to hang out with Andy. Babamukuru calls her a whore and beats her, threatening to kill her and hang himself. After all of this Nyasha says this to Tambu ‘’ you cant go on all the time being whatever’s necessary. You’ve got to have some conviction, and I’m convinced I don’t want to be anyone’s underdog. It’s not right for anyone to be that. But once you get use to it well, it just seems natural and you carry on. And that’s the end of you. You’re trapped. They control everything you do’’ (Nyasha, 119). This shows the resentment she has for her mother. She disobeys her father to show that she is not going to be controlled like that. In her eyes she is getting a head by doing this but it only makes her father more controlling. As the preparations began for her parents wedding Tambu became resentful towards Babamukru for ‘’having devised this plot which made such a joke of my parents my home and myself’’ (Tambu, 151) She becomes anxious and angry with her uncle for not understanding how torn she was with this situation. Tambu decides not to go to the wedding; this is the first time she has stood up for herself in Babamukru’s house. After the ceremony she has some regret for not going but the fact that she was able to make her own decision made it all worth it. ‘’guilt, so many razor sharp edges of it, slice away at me. My mother had been right; it was unnatural; I would not listen to my own parents, but I would listen to Babamukuru even when he told me to laugh at my parents. There was something unnatural about me. ’’(Tambu, 167) This wedding made her realize how much she had just been just doing everything he said even if it was wrong and this made her feel very week. Making the decision not to go gave her a ‘’newly acquired identity’’(Tambu, 171) and she gladly took the lashings and punishment for it. When the nuns from Sacred Heart came to the mission school to recruit they offer Tambu a scholarship and a position at the school. Maiguru stands up for Tambu when Babamukuru shuts down the idea. She accepts the offer to the Convent School and becomes so focused on her education she fails to see the effects of this situation on her personal relationships with Nyasha and her friends. Nyasha writes her letters revealing her struggles and how she is on a ‘’diet. ’’ Tambu is so caught up in her studies that she chooses not to write back and help her. When she returns to the mission her friends Maidei and Jocelyn will no longer talk to her. They are very resentful that she left them to go to the white catholic school. Tambu seems very caught up in the colonial society and is slowly loosing track of her roots and connection to the homestead. During her first trip home form Sacred Heart her mother warns her of Englishness and how it is the main cause of Nyasha’s Problems. She tries to remove that thought from her head but you notice it stayed with her when she says. ‘’ Quietly, obtrusively and extremely fitfully, something in my mine began to assert itself, to question things and refuse to be brain washed, bringing me to this time when I can set down this story it was a long and painful process for me that process of expansion. ’ (Tambu, 208) She starts questioning her decisions and what she has lost or given up as a result of them. Sacred Heart is no longer her main focus; this shows a significant change in how she views life. Through characters like Nyasha and Tambu one can directly see the struggle that colonialism created for women along with the apparent issues betwee n African men and women during this time period. The decisions that were made either got these girls to the next step in their lives or left them stuck in conflict and abuse. Both Tambu and Nyasha are very set on making there own decisions and finally stand up for them selves against Babamukuru. The beating they receive from making some decisions sets them back but they feel as if it rejuvenates them and gives them power over his control. Works Cited Tsitsi, Dangaremba. Nervious Conditions. London: The Women’s Press Ltd, 1988 How to cite Nervous Conditions Essay, Essays
Cotract Strategy free essay sample
The scope of such contracts is very wide, from a simple purchase of standard article to multi-millionpound projects. The size and complexity of the contract matter vary accordingly. A proper contract strategy for a project involves five key decisions: Setting the project objectives and constraints Selecting a proper project delivery method Selecting a proper contract form / type Contract administration practices 2. 1 What is a Contract A contract is defined as: an agreement made between two or more parties which is enforceable by law to provide something in return for something else from a second party. Contracts can be very simple or they may be very long and complicated legal documents. When a contract is properly set-up it is legally binding upon. The two parties are expected to perform the various obligations they have undertaken, as expressed in a mutually agreed set of contract documents. A contract therefore, is necessary to protect both client and contractor. According to its simple definition, a contract is an agreement Construction Management 20 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi enforceable at law, but not all agreements are contracts. Some elements must be present before an agreement becomes a contract. These elements are: Competent Parties: For an agreement to be a contract, there must be two or more competent parties. In order to be considered competent, a part must have a certain legal standing. Proper Subject Matter: For the subject matter of a contract to be proper, the first requirement is that it was be clearly defined as to the rights and obligations of each party. Second, the purpose of the contract must not violate the law. Consideration: There must be a lawful and valuable consideration given b both parties. A consideration often called Something for Something. A consideration must, also, be possible. Agreement: For valid contract, there must be a mutual agreement. An agreement is considered to have been reached when an offer made by one party is accepted by the second party. Both parties must wish and intend their bargain to be enforceable by law. Proper Form: The terms of a contract must be written so that both parties are very sure of what their rights and respons ibilities are. Consent of the Parties: The agreement must be free from: Misrepresentation, Duress Undue influence, etc. The main steps to be taken before placing contract are presented in Fig. . 1. 2. 2 Selection of Contract Type The selection of contract type to be used for a construction project is made by the owner, acting upon the advice of his Engineer and his legal advisor. The selection must meet the owner Objectives and takes into account the constraints that might relate to the project. Consultants and contractors should be fully informed by the project objectives and constraints. The scope and the nature of the project will primarily affect the selection of type of contract. Construction Management 21 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi Fig. 2. 1: Steps of contracting process 2. . 1 Project objectives The client will have a number of overall objectives. These objectives may be of primary and/or secondary importance. Primary objectives include functional performance, time objectives, and c ost objectives. a. Project Scope (performance): The project scope defines the extent or the area that the contract covers. Any additions or omissions during the life of the project will increase or decrease the quantity of work involved. Likewise, any changes in design must be discussed carefully to establish whether or not they are likely to affect the scope of the project. . Time: The scope and time are closely interrelated. Decisions must often be made on the effect of increasing or decreasing scope on time. If the completion date of a project is critical, then increasing scope will call for an accelerated program. The extra cost associated with this acceleration must be quantified. Identify Project Prepare Scope Select Contract Prepare Tender Documents Invite Tenderes Tender Meetings Revise and Evaluation Place Contract Construction Management 22 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi c. Price: The cost of a project is closely related to scope and time. The effect of the contract on price, and the various incentives and penalties that can help to keep price steady must be discussed and clearly defined. On the other hand, secondary objectives could arise on a construction project and would exert a major influence over contract strategy decisions Examples of secondary objectives are: †¢ Allocation and payment for risk. †¢ Training of the clients staff. †¢ Transfer of technology. †¢ Involvement of contractor in design. †¢ Involvement of client in contract management. †¢ Choice of labor-incentive construction. Use of local material and resources. †¢ Protection of the environment. 2. 2. 2 Project constraints All construction projects have constraints that influence the achievement of the project objectives. These constraints should therefore, be considered when choosing an appropriate contract strategy. There are a variety of constraints and these are examples: †¢ Availability of funds. †¢ Ava ilability of contractual incentives. †¢ Method of tendering. †¢ Project location. †¢ Target dates of the project. †¢ Possibility of design changes. †¢ Availability of resources. †¢ Seasonal working. Number of contractors willing or able to tender. †¢ Inflation. Construction Management 23 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi Factors influencing contract choice Three main factors influence the choice of a given contract including: the incentive, risk sharing and the flexibility. 2. 3 Project Delivery Methods The project delivery method translates what project parties are involved in the project and how they interact with each other and called also project organizational structure. The choice of an organizational structure should be related to project objectives and constraints. It can be facilitated considering the following factors: †¢ Size and nature of the work packages within the project. †¢ Selection of the design team form in-house resources external consultants or contractors. †¢ Process of supervision of construction. †¢ Restrictions upon using combination of organizational structures within the project. †¢ Expertise which the client wishes to commit to the project. When plans are completed and the owner is interested in securing the low price, the use of competitive bids is suggested. The competitive bidding results in the type of contract that many are familiar with. A negotiated contract should be used when construction should start before plans are completed or when the many unknown factors of the project make an accurate estimate impossible. When many changes are expected and when inspection and supervision cannot be done efficiently, the negotiated type of contract should be used. The various project delivery methods are summarized as follows: 2. 3. 1 Traditional approach This is the most common approach in civil engineering projects in which the design has to be completed before construction can start. Design and construction are usually Construction Management 24 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi performed by two different parties who interact directly and separately with the owner. The pros and cons of this approach are summarized as follow: Advantages: Price competition Total cost is known before construction starts Well documented approach used in most government projects. Disadvantages Long time Design does not benefit from construction expertise Conflict between owner, contractor and A/E Therefore, this method is fine in many cases where the project is clearly definable, design is completed, time need not be shortened, and changes are unlikely to occur during construction. . 3. 2 Direct labor In this approach, owner organization performs both the design and construction using its in-house labor force. Used by large authorities The owner performs both the design and the construction May use consultants for some specialized designs Most suitable for small projects Can be used when expertise are available Low risk projects Inadequate scope defini tion 2. 3. 3 Design-build In this approach, a single organization is responsible for performing both design and construction and, in some cases, providing certain â€Å"know-how†for the project. The pros and cons of this approach are summarized as follow: Advantages: Construction Management 25 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi One contract that may include know-how Minimum owner involvement Used for fast-track projects in order to reduce time Co-ordination between design and construction and easier in implementing the changes Disadvantages Cost may not be known until end of the construction High risk to contractor and more cost to owner Design-build company may reduce quality to save cost The use of this approach, therefore, should be considered when contractors offer specialized design/construction/know-how expertise or when design is strongly influenced by the method of construction. 2. 3. 4 Turnkey This approach is similar to the design-build approach but with the organization being responsible for performing both design, construction, know-how (if any), and project financing. Owner payment is then made at the completion (when the contractor turns over the â€Å"key†). An example is franchise projects in which a new branch of a restaurant chain needs to maintain the same design, construction quality, and food service quality. . 3. 5 Build-operate-transfer (BOT) In this approach, a business entity is responsible for performing the design, construction, long-term financing, and temporary operation of the project. At the end of the operation period, which can be many years, operation of the project is transferred to the owner. This approach has been extensively used in recent years and is expected to continue. An example of its use is in express routes and turnpikes. A consortium of companies shares the cost (design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance) and the profits gained from user fees, for a stipulated number of years. Afterwards, the project returns to the government to become publicly owned. This approach has also been used extensively Construction Management 26 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi in large infrastructure projects financed by the World Bank in parts of the world that cannot afford the high investment cost of such projects. 2. 3. 6 Professional construction management (PCM) In this approach, the owner appoints a PCM organization (also known as Construction Management organization) to manage and coordinate the design and construction phases of a project using a Teamwork approach. The design may be provided by specialist design firms and in some cases by the PCM organization. With high level of coordination between the participants, innovative approaches of overlapping design and construction (i. e. , fast tracking) can be adopted. The PCM organization aims at holding a friendly position similar to that of the consultants in the traditional approach. The services offered by the PCM organization overlap those traditionally performed by the architect, the engineer, and the contractor. This may include: management and programming of design; cost forecasting and financial arrangements; preparation of tender documents; tender analysis and selection of contractors; selection of methods of construction; recommendations on construction economics; planning and scheduling construction works; materials procurement and delivery expedition; provision for site security, cleanup, and temporary utilities; supervision of control of construction contractors; construction quality assurance; cost control; costing of variations and assessment of claims; and certification of interim and final payments to contractors. The use of PCM approach, therefore, should be considered when there is a need for time saving, flexibility for design changes is required, and owner has insufficient management resources. 2. 3. 7 Contractual relationships Within each project delivery method, the contractual relationships among the project participants can take various arrangements and the owner needs to make a decision regarding the proper arrangement that suits the project and the parties involved. The different contractual relationships associated with various project delivery methods are illustrated in Figs. 2. (A represents services and $ contractual relationships). Construction Management 27 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi Direct force Traditional Design-build (turn-key) Fig. 2. 2: Contractual relationships Construction Management 28 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi 2. 4 Types of Contracts There are many types of contracts that may be used in the construction industry. Construction contracts are classified according to different aspects. They may be classified according to the method of payment to the contractor. When payment is based on prices which submitted by the contractor in his tender, they are called cost-based contracts. Examples are cost-reimbursable and target cost contracts. Contracts may be classified in the point of view of the risk involved. The range of risk runs from a fixedprice contract to a totally non-risk cost-reimbursable contract at the other end. 2. 4. 1 Lump-sum contract A single tendered price is given for the completion of specified work to the satisfaction of the client by a certain date. Payment may be staged at intervals on the completion. The contract has a very limited flexibility for design changes. The tendered price may include high level of financing and high risk contingency. Where considerable risk has been places with the contractor, this contract may lead to cost cutting, trivia claims, or bankruptcy. Contract final price is known at tender. A lump-sum contract would seem to Construction Management 29 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi prevent risks for the client where in fact it just changes them. An important risk t the client is that of not receiving competitive bids from desirable contractors who may avoid a high-risk lump-sum contract. This contract may be used for a turnkey construction. It is appropriate when work is defined in detail, limited variations are expected, level of risk is low and quantifiable, and client does not wish to be involved in the management of his project. 2. 4. 2 Admeasurement contract In this type of contracting, items of work are specified in Bills of Quantities or Schedule of Rates. The contractor then specifies rates against each item. The rates include risk contingency. Payment is paid monthly for all work completed during the month. The contract offers a facility for the client to introduce changes in the work defined in the tender documents. The contractor can claim additional payment for any changes in the work content of the contract. Claims resolution is very difficult because the client has no knowledge of actual cost or hidden contingency. Tender price is usually increased by variations and claims. Two forms of admeasurement contract are usually used: bill of quantities and schedule of rates. Bill of Quantities Contract: Tenderers enter rates against each item of the estimated quantities of work. The quantities are re-measured during the course of the contract, valued at the tendered rates and the contract price adjusted accordingly. Schedule of Rates Contract: It contains inaccurate quantities of work, possibly with upper and lower probable limits. Therefore, it is common for separate rates to be quoted for labour, plant, and materials. The contract price is derived by measuring the man-hours, plant-hours and the quantities of materials actually consumed, and then pricing them at the tendered price. This contract is best suitable for repetitive works. Construction Management 30 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi The admeasurement contract is well understood and widely used. It can be used when little or no changes are expected, level of risk is low and quantifiable, and when design and construction need to be overlapped. 2. 4. 3 Cost-reimbursable contract (cost-plus contract) The contractor is reimbursed for actual cost plus a special fee for head office overheads and profit, no special payment for risk. Payment may be made monthly in advance. The contract involves a high level of flexibility for design changes. Final price depends on changes and extent to which risks materialize. The contractor must make all his records and accounts available for inspection by the client or by some agreed third party. The fee may be a fixed amount or a percentage of actual costs. This contract has no direct financial incentives for the contractor to perform efficiently. It may be used when it is desirable for design to proceed concurrently with construction and when the client wishes to be involved in contract management. 2. 4. 4 Target cost contract Cost targets may be introduced into cost-reimbursable contracts. In addition to the reimbursement of actual cost plus percentage fee, the contractor will be paid a share for any saving between target and actual cost, while the fee will be reduced if actual cost exceeds the target. The target figure should be realistic and the incentive must be sufficient to generate the desired motivation. Specified risk can be excluded from the tendered target cost. When these occur, the target cost is adjusted accordingly and the client pays the actual cost incurred by the contractor. The target may also b adjusted for major changes in work and cost inflation. This contract can be used in the same circumstances as the cost-plus contract. A brief summary of the level of risk exposed by each of the discussed contract forms is illustrated in Fig. 2. 3. As shown in the figure, competitive bidding contracts (Lump Sum and Unit Price) are among the top risky contracts to contracts and thus present a Construction Management 31 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi challenge in estimating their cost and schedule at the bidding stage and before a commitment is made. Fig. 2. 3: Level of risk associated with various contracts 2. 4. 5 Time and material (TM) contracts TM contracts are a hybrid type of contractual arrangement that contains aspects of both cost-reimbursable and fixed-price-type arrangements. TM contracts resemble cost-type arrangements in that they are open ended, because the full value of the arrangement is not defined at the time of the award. Thus, TM contracts can grow in contract value as if they were cost-reimbursable-type arrangements. Conversely, TM arrangements can also resemble fixed-unit arrangements when, for example, the unit rates are preset by the buyer and seller, as when both parties agree on the rates for the category of senior engineers. Most appropriate when the buyer wants to be more in control. It is also used in an emergency to begin work immediately when a scope of work has not yet been completed. Not possible at time of placing contract to estimate extent or duration of the work, or anticipated cost, with any degree of confidence. 2. 5 Contract Administration As it was discussed in the previous sections, there is variety of types of contracts used in civil engineering projects. Each type has its specific characteristics. Contracts may be prepared under the heading of one type but could include characteristics of more than a Construction Management 32 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi single type. Many professional societies and government agencies have done a great deal toward the standardization of construction contracts such that the general form and content are well established for the various types of construction that may arise. 2. 5. 1 Contract documents The contract is defined by the contract documents, which are developed from the tender documents. In a logical order, these documents refer to the following subjects: †¢ Input from the client (task description). †¢ Output of the contract (specifications, results to be achieved). Prices for the contractors contribution. †¢ Responsibilities and procedures (liability, resources provided, time schedule, payment conditions, change procedures, etc). Contract documents are usually arranged according to the following sequence: †¢ General (for any project). †¢ Special (for a specialty area of the project). †¢ Supplementary (unique to a given project). †¢ Additional ( during bidding or negotiation). †¢ Agreement form (for singing very important and particular clauses). †¢ Modifications (during contract fulfillment). The complete contract agreement usually consists of the following documents: †¢ Conditions (general, special, supplementary). †¢ Drawing and specifications. †¢ Addenda. †¢ Agreement form. †¢ Modifications. The most important document from the legal point of view is the agreement. It is sometimes called the contract. Since so many documents are included as contract Construction Management 33 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi documents, the agreement is the better term for this particular one. The form of the agreement can be standardized and used for many projects, or a unique document can be prepared for each project. The standard form of agreement prescribed by the American Institute of Architects has proved to be satisfactory and has been used on many building projects with good results. The form followed for non-building projects is often more varied. Man: agencies have own standard forms, which are used on all their projects. Information usually included in the agreement are of three parts. The first part is a short introductory paragraph which defines the parties, gives the date of the agreement, and state that each party agrees to what follows. The second part contains the elements of contract and defines the work to be undertaken. The final paragraph confirms the agreement and provides space for signatures of the parties. Thus, the agreement usually composed of the following articles: 1. A short introductory paragraph. 2. Scope of the work. 3. Time of completion. 4. Contract documents. 5. Performance bond. 6. Contractors insurance. 7. Owners insurance. 8. Laws, regulations and permits. 9. Payments. 10. Extensions of time. 11. Changes in the work. 12. Owners right to terminate the work. 13. Contractors right to terminate the work. 14. Confirmation and signatures. 2. 5. 2 Conditions of contract The conditions of a contract are rules by which the execution of the contract is to be governed. They set-out the responsibilities, rights, and liabilities of the two parties. They Construction Management 34 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi also set-out the actions to be taken by the parties if and when certain eventualities should arise. No two civil engineering contracts are similar. Probably, no two construction contracts are truly the same. Therefore identical conditions of contracts are not likely to be required. However, for work of a similar type, certain conditions will apply for the vast majority of cases. It follows that a standard form of conditions for a given type of work will remove the necessity of thinking out and drafting new sets of conditions for every new contract. By taking the standard form and modifying it to suit the requirements of a particular contract, time and effort will be saved. The terms of a contract legally fall into two categories: Conditions: They are terms expressing matters basic to the contract. A failure to perform the requirements of a condition is a fundamental breach of an essential obligation giving the aggrieved party the right to: 1. End the contract and claim damages, or . Continue the contract and claim damages. Warranties: They deal with matters not of the essence of the contract, being subsidiary to the main purposes for which the parties contracted. An example of a warranty is where a nominated sub-contractor warrants that the work will be carried-out to specific standards. The conditions of a contract usually comprise the following: 1. A stand ard form of general conditions of contract appropriate to the natures of the work involved. 2. A series of amendments to the forging in order to adjust them to the circumstances of the actual contract concerned. . A number of special conditions, which deal with matters peculiar to the contract and not dealt with by the standard. 2. 5. 3 The standard (general) forms of conditions of contract Standard forms are prepared jointly by professional bodies and organizations representing contractors or by large organizations and public bodies to suit their own circumstances. The intention is that a common approach by the parties to all contracts will be achieved and standard interpretations of risks and responsibilities involved. There are a number of Construction Management 35 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi tandard forms of conditions of contract used in civil engineering. The most commonly used are: Institute of Civil Engineering (ICE) Conditions of Contract: This document includes the forms of Tender , Agreement and Bond. It is applicable to all civil engineering construction works. It is particularly suitable for general civil engineering work which is predominantly either in the ground or in, or adjacent to, water, and carets for the attendant risks and claims situations. It is also used, sometimes, for building works and for mechanical and electrical works where such works are included in a civil engineering or building contract. Federation Internationale Des Ingenieure-Conseils (FIDIC): These conditions are, in effect, international versions of the ICE conditions to which they are closely related. The fourth edition (1987) of the conditions for works of civil engineering construction comprises: Part I: General conditions with forms of tender and agreement. Part II: Conditions of particular application with guidelines for preparation of Part II clauses. It is intended for general use for works where tenderers are invited on an international basis, but it also suitable to domestic contracts. The objective is to provide a standardized document which is well-known, internationally recognized and accepted, an adequately reflects the interests of the parties concerned. The standard (general) forms of conditions of contract usually cover the general aspects in arranged clauses. For example, FIDIC general conditions of contract comprise clauses that cover the following items: †¢ Definitions and interpretations. †¢ Engineer and Engineers representative. †¢ Assignment and sub-contracting. †¢ Contract documents. †¢ General obligations. †¢ Labor, Materials, plant, and workmanship. †¢ Suspension. Commencement and delays. Construction Management 36 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi †¢ Defects liability. †¢ Alternations, Additions and Omissions. †¢ Procedure of claims. †¢ Contractors equipment, temporary works and materials. †¢ Provisional sums. †¢ Certificates and payments. †¢ Remedies. †¢ Special risks. †¢ Release for performance. †¢ Settlement of disputes. †¢ Notices. †¢ Default of Employer. †¢ Changes in cost and legislation. †¢ Currency and rates of exchange. Most of the standard forms of conditions of contract contain one or more clauses, which require completion by the Client/Engineer before the conditions are issued. . 5. 4 Special conditions of contract Special conditions are new clauses to augment the general conditions of a standard form. Usually they deal with subjects not touched on by the standard form. It is often simpler to introduce a special condition than to amend a standard form condition. After a new clause is written, it must be ensure that no conflict or ambiguity is being introduced. The range of possible subjects for special conditions is large. They normally deal with the peculiarities of one contract and one site. There are a variety of choices in which a new subject may be written: In the specification (if it is of technical matter). As special condition of contract. †¢ In the site regulations (if it deals with site administration or discipline). †¢ In separate correspondence (if it is not essential to incorporate it into the formal contract). The decision to consider a special condition does not depend on importance. The following are typical examples of subjects for special conditions: Construction Management 37 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi †¢ Special terms of payments. †¢ Patents and licenses. †¢ Applicable law. †¢ Official Language. †¢ Obligatory use of local labor, plant and material. Co-operation with contractor on site. †¢ Fair wages to be paid. †¢ Union membership of work force. †¢ Protection and disposal of historic, valuable, archaeological, etc. finds on site. †¢ Prohibition of access to named places. †¢ Restrictions on noise levels, dust, fire hazards, etc. †¢ Control of demolition work, explosives, etc. †¢ Responsibility for damage to public services. †¢ Responsibility for payment of local taxes. 2. 5. 5 Construction claims A construction claim is a request for payment or time extension to which the contractor considers him/herself entitled. There are three types under which claims are required: Extension of time only. Additional cost. Both extensions of time and additional cost. The main reasons for construction claims may include: †¢ Late possession of site or late provision of working drawings. †¢ Change of contract start or activities schedule. †¢ Design change and variation. †¢ Delays in approval and examining work. †¢ Work acceleration by the client. †¢ Late delivery of materials supplied by the client. †¢ Different ground and/or site conditions. †¢ Unforeseen events and disasters. Construction Management 38 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi 2. Selecting the Contractor Selecting key personnel and organizations that will participate in a project is a major step for the owner and can mean the success or failure of a project. By large, the competitive bidding process has been the main vehicle for contractors to obtain jobs. The process is required by law for public projects, which has been the largest percentage of all projects, except in emergencies such as war or natural disasters. Under this process, a simple quantitative criterion is used to award the bid to the â€Å"lowest responsible bidder†, thus potentially obtaining the lowest construction cost. The process, however, has its drawbacks, including: (1) overlooking important criteria such as contractor’s experience and strength; (2) potentially causing construction delays and problems if the contractor bids below cost to win the job; and (3) contributing to adverse relationships between the owner and the contractor. The competitive bidding process encompasses three main steps: announcement, bid preparation and bid evaluation. To announce for a project, the owner should have the design completed and a bid package prepared with all design information. The owner then announces a general call for bidders or sends a limited invitation to a list of pre-qualified contractors. Through the limited invitation, the owner organization can reduce potential construction problems by avoiding unknown contractors who intentionally reduce their bids to win jobs, particularly if the project requires a certain experience. Owners, therefore, need to maintain a list of qualified contractors with whom they had successful experience or by advertising a call for pre-qualification. 2. 7 Sub-Contracting On almost all construction projects, some of the work is sub-contracted to specialty contractors, known as sub-contractors. The greatest part of the work is sub-contracted on building projects, with a lesser amount usually sub-contracted on heavy construction projects. Construction contracts generally have clauses pertaining to sub-contracting. Such clauses often limit the amount of work to be sub-contracted and generally provide that the client retains the right to approve sub-contractors. The contractor who employs Construction Management 39 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi ub-contractors to carryout part of the works must be totally responsible for their workmanship, performance, and general behavior on the contract. Any communication on these aspects should be made between the main contractor and the client. It is the formers responsibility. Any restrictions on sub-contracting should be made in the tender documents. If the client wishes a particular sub-contractor to carryout part of the work, he may then make such a nomination. Nominating sub-contractors in such way is useful when work of a specialized nature dictates such action. It is common for clients to place other restrictions on sub-contracting, through confirming the main contractor to a list of approved contractor. This occurs at the tender stage. 2. 8 Exercises 1. State if True (T) or False (F): a. Contract changes are more likely to occur on a single fixed price contract than on a cost plus a fee contract. b. The delivery method that an owner chooses should be in response to the amount and type of risk that an owner sees in a project. c. In lump sum contracts, it is allowed to change in the quantity of work performed within a limit of 25%. d. In the admeasurement contracts, the item description, quantity, unit of measure, unit cost and the total cost in the B. O. Q should be cleared. e. The owner has the ability to know the contractor profit in the unit price contracts. f. The direct costs are the summation of the cost of the labor, equipment, materials, and subcontractors. g. Overheads include the cost of items which cannot be directly charged to a specific work element. h. Loading of rates may be risky to both the contractor and the owner. i. Contract type has not effect on the project deadline. Construction Management 40 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi . Select the right answer: I. The advantage(s) of a traditional delivery method is (are): a. Reduced project time b. Known project cost before construction c. Non-adversarial relationships between participants d. All of the above II. The developer of a 40 story high-rise office building desires the shortest possible construction time. What delivery method would be the best? a. Tradit ional b. Design-build c. B and C only d. Construction project management d. All of the above III. Which type of contracted arrangement would be best used when the quantities of work are difficult to determine in advance? . Single fixed price b. Unit price c. Cost plus a fee d. None of the above IV. If the contractor considers that the quantity of an item in the BOQ has been underestimated: a. He should phone the Client to declare this item b. He has to use this quantity. c. He can raise the rate of this item. IV. The contractor may decide to subcontract an item of work in order to: a. give a chance to another contractor b. cover lack of specialized resources. c. reduce project cost. 3. Briefly differentiate among the various project delivery approaches (various organizational structures). 4. Explain what is meant by loading of rates in B. O. Q. 5. What are the main types of construction contracts? 6. Specify the suitable contract type for each of the following construction project: A pumping station of standard design. Sewer and water lines projects. Highways Hospitals Construction of irrigation canals. Bridges. Construction Management 41 Dr. Emad Elbeltagi Repetitive and similar units. Military projects. 7. What are the construction contract documents? 8. Explain what is meant by the two terms: â€Å"Price-based Contracts†and â€Å"Cost-based Contracts†. . Compare the following types of contracts from the point of view of flexibility for design changes and variations: Lump Sum. Admeasurement. Target cost. 10. Compare the lump sum, admeasurements, and cost plus contracts from the following point of view: Early start to construction. Risk sharing. 11. Give three examples of secondary objectives which could affect the selection of the contract s trategy decision. 12. Give two examples of project organizational structure which can be used to achieve fast-track construction.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Things They Carried By Tim O`Brien Essay Example For Students
Things They Carried By Tim O`Brien Essay Tim OBriens The Things They Carried is not a novel about the Vietnam War. Itis a story about the soldiers and their experiences and emotions that arebrought about from the war. OBrien makes several statements about war throughthese dynamic characters. He shows the violent nature of soldiers under thepressures of war, he makes an effective antiwar statement, and he comments onthe reversal of a social deviation into the norm. By skillfully employing thestylistic technique of specific, conscious detail selection and utilizingconnotative diction, OBrien thoroughly and convincingly makes each point. Theviolent nature that the soldiers acquired during their tour in Vietnam is one ofOBriens predominant themes in his novel. By consciously selecting verydescriptive details that reveal the drastic change in manner within the men,OBrien creates within the reader an understanding of the effects of war on itsparticipants. One of the soldiers, Norman Bowler, otherwise a very gentleperson, carried a Thumb. . .The Thumb was dark brown, rubbery to touch. . . Ithad been cut from a VC corpse, a boy of fifteen or sixteen(13). Bowler hadbeen a very good-natured person in civilian life, yet war makes him into a veryhard-mannered, emotionally devoid soldier, carrying about a severed finger as atrophy, proud of his kill. The transformation shown through Bowler is anexcellent indicator of the psychological and emotional change that most of thesoldiers undergo. To bring an innocent young man from sensitive to apathetic,from caring to hateful, requires a great force; the war provides this force. We will write a custom essay on Things They Carried By Tim O`Brien specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now However, frequently are the changes more drastic. A soldier named TedLavender adopted an orphaned puppy. . .Azar strapped it to a Claymoreantipersonnel mine and squeezed the firing device(39). Azar has becomedemented; to kill a puppy that someone else has adopted is horrible. However,the infliction of violence has become the norm of behavior for these men; thefleeting moment of compassion shown by one man is instantly erased by another,setting order back within the group. OBrien here shows a hint of sensitivityamong the men to set up a startling contrast between the past and the presentfor these men. The effect produced on the reader by this contrast is one ofhorror; therefore fulfilling OBriens purpose, to convince the reader of warsseverely negative effects. In the buffalo story, We came across a babywater buffalo. . .After supper Rat Kiley went over and stroked its nose. . .Hestepped back and shot it through the right front knee. . .He shot it twice inthe flanks. It wasnt to kill, it was to hurt(85). Rat displays a severeemotional problem here; however, it is still the norm. The startling degree ofdetached emotion brought on by the war is inherent in OBriens detailedaccounts of the soldiers actions concerning the lives of other beings. OBriens use of specific and connotative diction enhances the same theme, theloss of sensitivity and increase in violent behavior among the soldiers. The VCfrom which Bowker took the thumb was just a boy(13), giving theimage of a young, innocent person who should not have been subjected to thehorrors of war. The connotation associated with boy enhances the fact thatkilling has no emotional effect on the Americans, that they kill for sport anddo not care who or what their game may be. Just as perverse as killing boys,though, is the killing of a baby(85), the connotation beingassociated with human infants even though it is used to describe a young waterbuffalo they torture. The idea of a baby is abstract, and the killing of one isfrowned upon in modern society, regardless of species. OBrien creates anattitude of disgust in the reader with the word, further fulfilling his purposein condemning violence. Even more drastic in connotation to be killed is theorphaned puppy(39). Adding to the present idea of killing babies isthe idea of killing orphaned babies, which brings out rage within the reader. .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a , .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .postImageUrl , .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a , .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:hover , .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:visited , .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:active { border:0!important; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:active , .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua36113190b33d29ec0d8d8fbd5e30d2a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Analysis of two films: "The Shawshank Redemption" EssayThe whole concept is metaphoric, based on the connotations of key words;nevertheless, it is extremely effective in conveying OBriens theme. OBrienmakes a valid, effective antiwar statement in The Things They Carried. Thedetails he includes give the reader insight into his opinions concerning theVietnam War and the draft that was used to accumulate soldiers for the war. While thinking of escaping to Canada, he says: I was drafted to fight awar I hated. . .The American war seemed to me wrong(44). OBrien feelsthat U.S. involvement in Vietnamese affairs was unnecessary and wasteful. Heincludes an account of his plan to leave the country because he did not want torisk losing his life for a cause he did not believe in. Here OBrien shows thelevel of contempt felt towards the war; draft dodging is dangerous. He was not aradical antiwar enthusiast, however, for he takes only a modest standagainst the war(44). While not condoning the fighting, he does not protestthe war except for minimally, peacefully, and privately doing so. Hisdissatisfaction with the drafting process is included in his statement, Iwas a liberal, for Christs sake: if they needed fresh bodies, why not draftsome back-to-the-stone-age-hawk?(44). OBriens point of drafting onlythose who approve involvement in the war is clearly made while his politicalstandpoint is simultaneously revealed. The liberal attitude OBrien owns is verymuch a part of his antiwar theme; it is the axis around which his valuesconcerning the war revolve. The antiwar statement is enhanced by OBriens useof connotative and informal diction to describe the war, its belligerentadvocates, and its participants. The connotation in the adjective American indescribing the war seems as though OBrien believes the Americans are making thewar revolve around themselves, instead of the Vietnamese. While also criticizingAmericans, he manages to once again question the necessity of United Statesinvolvement in the war. Also connotatively enhancing the antiwar theme is theword bodies to describe draftees; while an accurate evaluation scientifically,it gives the reader the impression that the young men that are being broughtinto the war to become statistics, part of a body count. OBrien shows veryeffectively the massive destruction of innocent human life brought on byVietnam. In contrast with his sympathy toward drafte es, OBrien utilizesinformal, derogatory diction to describe the wars advocates. He labels hisstereotype belligerent a dumb jingo(44), or moronic national prideenthusiast. By phrasing his views in such a manner, OBrien is able to conveythe idea that there is enough opposition to the war that a negative slang hasbeen implemented frequently, hence the term dumb jingo. The skill with whichOBrien illustrates his views is very convincing throughout their development inthe novel; his antibelligerence focus is very effective. The social deviancethat has become the accepted norm in The Things They Carried is brought out byOBrien in the form of the soldiers drug usage. OBrien wants to convey theidea of negative transitions brought about by the war with a statement aboutmarijuanas public, widespread, carefree use in Vietnam. He includes severalanecdotes that illustrate to which degree the substance is abused. A friend ofOBriens, Ted Lavender, carried six or seven ounces of premiumdope(4), whic h indicates not only the soldiers familiarity with the drug,but their acquired knowledge of the quality of the drug. The discouragement ofmarijuana, as well as other drugs, was previously the accepted view ofAmericans; however, according to OBrien, is has become the norm for Americansin Vietnam. The war has completely reversed their morals. Once they carried acorpse out to a dry paddy. . .and sat smoking the dead mans dope untilthe chopper came. Lieutenant Cross kept to himself(8). Even the squadssupervisor, the platoon leader Lieutenant Cross, is unaffected by the soldiersblatant use of an illegal substance; he has become so used to the occurrencethat he no longer condemns its use. For even a leader of men to be morallywarped by the war is an effective idea in OBriens discouragement of war. AsGeorge Carlin once said to a New York audience, We love war. We are awarlike people, and therefore we love war(Carlin 1992). This view iscommon today among Americans since the advent of long-d istance warfare andbright, colorful explosions; however, in the guerrilla warfare of Vietnam, thegrudging participants loathed the idea. Tim OBrien very effectively portraystheir hatred and the severe negative effects the war had on American soldiers inhis excellent, convincing novel The Things They Carried. The skillful choice ofdetails and several types of diction that reveal his theme of induced violence,his anti-war statement, and his view of the reversal of morals among GIs areeffective in presenting OBriens views in this, The Last WarNovel(McClung 96). .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 , .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .postImageUrl , .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 , .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:hover , .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:visited , .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:active { border:0!important; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .clearfix:after { con tent: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:active , .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: no ne; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388 .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf9f228afcbeba2768f1a5b79a013f388:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Behind the Mind of a Serial Killer Essay
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