Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Influential Colonisation And Its Impact On Contemporary...
Outlined by this quote, that although in terms of times colonialism is a small section of African history, it has left an imprint throughout the continent. This essay will look at how influential colonisation is in contemporary Africa, there are two main groups of scholars who argue how influential colonialism was in Africa the first is outlined by Gann and Duigan and they hold the view that the colonial era was ‘the most decisive for the future of Africa’. The alternative school of thought is held by British scholar A.G. Hopkins, who believed that colonial rule was less influential than first thought and was more an event which speeded up a process which was already underway. To assess how much of an impact colonialism had on†¦show more content†¦Due to this these boundaries have caused weak societies due to a disarticulation between state and society. Conflict scholar, David Francis argued that these weak societies formed by the colonisers have been the main catalyst behind the ethnic conflicts that took place in past few decades in Africa especially in the more heterogeneous states. This view is limited when looking at African history as conflicts have constantly occurred, including the period before colonialism between different tribes such as the rise of the Zulus in the early 19th century. Although the Berlin Conference may have played a role in ethnic conflicts, these conflicts are part of African history and has not been unique to the Africa since colonialism with several ethnic conflicts taken place before the war. The social implications of colonialism appear to have played a negative, but influential role in contemporary Africa. Colonialism still affects Africa today as shown by the borders still in place from the Berlin Conference but it is important not to overstress this and solely put the blame on colonialism. Some scholars have downplayed the significance of the social effect of the Berlin Conference in favour of political legacies left by colonialism. Leading African scholar Mahmood Mamdani suggests that the drawing of borders is not as pivotal as first thought. As no borders are neutral and thus all are artificial; stressing that the main effect of colonisation was the politicalShow MoreRelatedEssay on Different Types of English Spoken Throughout the World1038 Words  | 5 Pagesever growing since the time of colonisation. English was initiated by Anglo- Frisian dialect (Crystal, 2003). Due to British colonisation, the dialect of English has become a global language and other languages cannot compete with it (Rani, 2005). There are many types of English spoken around the world, for example: Australian English, American English and British English. This shows that powerful countries use the dialect of English, thus making the language influential. 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